Challenge (07/03/2020)

We post one challenging problem here every week. Solution due is 11:59 PM every Friday. We offer awards to two responders. 1. The first one with the right solution. 2. The correct solution with fewest code statements.

If we get only one correct solution, we will skip the award for the fewest code statements.

You need to create an account in this club in order to participate in this competition. The solution can use one of these three languages: Java, Python, JavaScript. You can submit your solution to this topic. Make sure your name and email account are in the end of the solution.

If you want that we indent your code correctly, please submit your code to this challenge along with a screenshot of your code in your IDE or your code file as an attachment. Remember you still need to submit your code as text here. Thanks for your participation.

Problem: This challenge is very hard and it is more like a final project. The club will host a small treat, in a place chosen by the participants, to all who finish it correctly. The club gives you two weeks to do it. Therefore, the due time is 11:59 PM, July 3rd, 2020. The requirement is here at this website.

8 thoughts on “Challenge (07/03/2020)”

    1. A player asks for a card that the player needs to have in that rank. The player can keeps asking until the player needs to draw a card.

  1. I am proud to announce that this week we have two winners. Ryan Lo is the quickest problem solver and Claire is the most efficient coder. Please provide me with your email, picture and school info so I can add you both to the hall of fame.

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